Caitlin is 5 years old and in preschool. She was adopted from China at the age of 8 months on May 28, 2003, from the Fuling Lily Orphan Care Center in Chongqing of the Sichuan Province. She is shy around new people but once she warms up to you, she is very loving. She loves to draw and color and having stories read to her is a favorite pastime. She enjoys playing with her toy horses and barbies and delights in anything Disney-princess related.
Sarah is 4 years old and also in preschool. She was adopted from China at the age of almost 2 years old on September 12, 2005, from the Shucheng Social Welfare Institute in Hefei of the Anhui Province. Sarah was born with cleft lip and palate and all of her repairs were done at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. She is outgoing, loves to chatter (can't stand quiet!) and will talk to just about anyone! She adores her older sister and wants to do everything she does. She also loves coloring, puzzles, and reading.
Both girls get along really well, for which we are very fortunate. They are each other's constant companions and both of them adore their brothers. They enjoy hanging out with them when the girlfriends come over, especially!
We are truly blessed with our daughters!