Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Sweet Girl

We lost our dear, sweet Penny girl recently. She would have been 10 years old in October. She came down ill so was a shock to me. She was just so ornery all the time, she never seemed sick. She quit eating for 4 days. I took her to the vet who said something had been going around and prescribed antibiotics. After a couple of days, she perked back up and started eating and drinking. About a week later, she quit eating and drinking again. I knew I had to take her to the vet the next day. By that evening, she was really moving with great difficulty and her breathing was starting to become short and rapid. At the vet's office the next morning, they did an x-ray which revealed a large tumor on her spleen. He said it had most likely spread to her other organs. She also had fluid in her lungs. I was so shocked and sad to leave that office without her. It broke my heart to realize she will not be running out in the driveway to greet me when I get home or barking happily. She was ALWAYS happy to see me and followed me around the house everywhere. She was content just sleeping nearby or close where she could see me. I miss her so much. Rest in peace, my Sweet Penny Girl.

PS... I shaved down her fur every June because she LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the creek behind our house and this way, she dried out much quicker. It also helped keep down the burrs and other stickery things she picked up along the way!

Finally Student Teaching!

Well, I finally passed the Praxis II exam. It was rough...but I did it in time to start Student Teaching this Fall. I'm at a high school (versus a middle school). My cooperating teacher is great and we get along well. She also has a daughter from China the same age as Caitie as well as an older son and younger daughter. I anticipate having a good semester. We have three Algebra 3 classes, one Precalculus, and two Geometry classes.

Justin started back for year 3 of college at CalU, and Corey is still at the Art Institute. Jordan is working on PA Cyber School. Caitie started Kindergarten last week and Sarah is back in preschool.