Okay, so almost a year has passed and what a year it has been. I finished student teaching...YAHOO!!! I graduated from college with my masters degree....YAHOO!!! I'm now searching for a teaching job in western Pennsylvania....BOOHOO!!! This isn't the easiest area to find teaching jobs as they are pretty scarce around here.
In my last post, I told of the passing of our dear Penny. We now have Zoe and Daisy! Zoe just turned one year old last week and Daisy is 4 1/2 months old. The housetraining isn't exactly going swimmingly, but you'll have that.
I debuted my new line of patterns, Black Sheep Quilts, at the Pittsburgh Quilt Market in May. Pictures of one of my designs are starting to surface out there in the web world so people are now seeking out my patterns for their retail business, so I guess we are officially off and running!
Other than that, the kids are all fine and quite successful at aging their father and me at an amazingly exponential pace. I hope it isn't another year before I get the hang of this. As it is, I am now the proud owner of a Facebook account and have no iota how to work the thing!
Enjoy your summer.....we are!
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